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Alexey Zhuravlev
Alexey Zhuravlev

Siemens SIMATIC PCS 7 V9.0 SP2 Only X64 €? (PLC)

a simatic step 7 application is a computer program that interfaces to a siemens simatic 7 programmable logic controller. the step 7 plc is a single board computer with four general purpose i/o (input/output) ports and a serial interface. the software is written in the programming language of the step 7 plc. the software allows the user to view and edit the contents of the step 7 memory and communicate with it via the serial interface. in most cases, the programming language has a graphical interface editor.

Siemens SIMATIC PCS 7 v9.0 SP2 Only x64 – (PLC)

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theres gold in that website if you just do a little digging! if youre having a tough go with the manuals then you should definitely download the training material. theres a lot more screen shots and even a picture of a balding pudgy guy to point things out to you. what more could you want flash tutorials if youre not the manual type (and even if you are) check out the siemens step 7 flash tutorials. these are very professionally done with a nice sounding narrator to take you through all the basics of the step 7 software and hardware.

i think its important to mention that some of these links may be dead. ive been searching for some of these links for a long time. if you have any suggestions then please contact me. i tried my best to get an overview of this information together. i found most of this information on the siemens forums. many thanks to siemens for the use of their forums. i think ive only covered the basics of the siemens simatic step 7 software. please contact me if you have any other questions. i would be happy to help you with your siemens based automation.


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